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Coshocton County 4-H Poultry Project changes announced

| June 5, 2015

COSHOCTON – The Ohio Department of Agriculture has canceled all live bird exhibitions at county and independent fairs in 2015 to protect Ohio’s $2.3 billion poultry industry from the current avian flu outbreak affecting the United States. As a result the Coshocton County Jr. Fair has made changes to the poultry show in order to continue to give the youth the best experience possible.

Youth enrolled in 4-H poultry projects can continue to take these projects. Market chicken and duck orders will continue through the OSU Extension Office. Market chicken and duck orders are due by July 1. Youth will be able to purchase poultry and continue to take them as a project.

Youth will still be able to sell their poultry product at the fair. This year Pleasant Valley Poultry in Baltic, will process the market poultry (broilers, ducks, turkeys) on Sept. 25. Youth will participate in the auction and the buyer will receive the processed bird.

Youth will still receive placings and market birds will be judged. The Jr. Fair poultry judge will be judging and placing the bird carcasses following processing at Pleasant Valley Poultry. Winners will be announced during the poultry show at the Coshocton County Jr. Fair. A grand and reserve overall of turkey, chicken, and duck will be awarded as well as further placings.

Youth will still participate in the poultry show at the fair. There will be showmanship classes at the fair so youth will still be eligible for the Showman of Showmen competition. There will be other competitive classes for the youth to determine their knowledge and learning from their project. Other classes are yet to be determined. They will be published in the fair book and be made available when they are determined.

Youth are responsible for taking their poultry to Pleasant Valley Poultry to be processed. Youth completing a market poultry project must have their poultry to Pleasant Valley Poultry, 3160 Pleasant Valley Road SW, Baltic, OH 43804 on Sept. 24 from 6:30-9 p.m. The birds will be banded as they arrive. They must arrive in this time frame. There will be no exceptions in order to be eligible for market poultry awards.

Youth enrolled in fancy bird projects can still participate at the fair. Youth will be able to sign up for showmanship classes and classes yet to be determined that will be offered at the fair.

Poultry exhibitors will continue to participate in the skillathon as normal. This is still a required part of completing the project, as is keeping good records and completing the project book.

Hatch Date deadlines and project deadlines will not be changed.

If you have further questions concerning 4-H or Junior Fair poultry, contact Jenny Strickler, 4-H Educator, at the OSU Extension Office at 740-622-2265.


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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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