25th annual Kiwanis Track and Field Day Held at Kids America

| March 12, 2019

Staff and athletes from Mid West Community show off their ribbons and excitement at being at the 25th Annual Kiwanis Track and Field Day for adults on Tuesday, March 12 at Kids America. Jen Jones | Beacon

COSHOCTON – More than 100 athletes met at Kids America on Tuesday, March 12 to compete in the 25th annual Kiwanis Track and Field Day. Jalen Berry opened the day by singing the National Anthem, followed by a parade of athletes around the track.

Toby Collins, director of recreation and Special Olympics for the Coshocton County Board of Developmental Disabilities, said events like this one are important to the adult with disabilities in the community. “They are so proud of their awards and it’s a great time for them. It helps build their self-esteem.”

Collins also said days like this were an important social time for them. “Things like this and the dances we have are sometimes the only chance they get to socialize with people they know from different agencies.”

Kris Hains, from Mid West Community, said he wanted to thank Collins and her help for putting this event together. “They have really enjoyed the day and had lots of fun. It’s amazing. They earned lots of ribbons and had a blast. And it’s great they can see friends from other places, too.”

Tyler Rice was excited to be competing at the event. “I’m good at shooting baskets and I want to get a first ribbon – that’s a blue one.” Rice was proud to share that he had his Grandma and Grandpa Gephart (Don and Emily Gephart) there to watch him win ribbons. At the end of the day, he had four ribbons and was happy to tell everyone about them.

“This is a good time for everyone to get together and play games,” said Deana Cushman. She came to cheer on the athletes as many know her from her years of working at the CCBDD. “They really look forward to coming and winning ribbons. It’s like a family reunion when people from Gentle Brook, Mid West, Echoing Hills and Hopewell get to see each other. I think it’s good for the high school kids, too, to be around people with disabilities.”

“It’s important for everyone to try new things. One lady says no every time they ask her to try something, but then she enjoys it when she does.”

Several athletes offered their opinion on what was best about the day. Adam W. was excited for track and field. Jessika D. liked the football toss, while Faith W. liked everything. Heidi S. also liked the football toss the best. Jacob loved the track event and he won three ribbons. Brittany R. was proud of her second place ribbon in the football throw and Casey J. liked running the best. Rita also liked the running event and getting ribbons.

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