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Christian Tabernacle presents live nativity

| December 9, 2013


The Coshocton Christian Tabernacle presented a live nativity Friday, Dec. 6 thru Sunday, Dec. 8 from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. The drive-thru event featured many well-known scenes from the Bible including the birth of Jesus, Jesus preaching in the Temple as a young boy, his death and resurrection, and many others. Pictured here is Ken Stocker portraying the resurrected Jesus Christ, which ended the event. Before driving home, each person received a CD of the story of Jesus as told by senior pastor, Jason Diaz.

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Category: Faith, Photo Galleries

About the Author ()

I have been employed at the Coshocton County Beacon since September 2009 as a news reporter and assistant graphic artist. I am a 2004 graduate of Newcomerstown High School and a 2008 graduate of Capital University with a bachelor’s degree in Professional Writing. I am married to John Scott and live in Newcomerstown. We have two beautiful daughters, Amelia Grace Scott and Leanna Rose Scott.

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