Community Remembrance Tree being decorated

Remember: Barb Wilson is pictured hanging ornaments on the Hospice Community Remembrance Tree in the gazebo at the court square. To have a name added to the tree, call Health Services and Hospice of Coshocton County at 622-7311 or stop by the office at 230 S. Fourth St. Beacon photo by Josie Sellers
COSHOCTON – Community members are invited to remember and honor their loved ones this holiday season by having a star-shaped ornament with their name on it placed on the Hospice Community Remembrance Tree.
“I think last year I had a star on every branch,” said volunteer Barb Wilson. “We usually end up with around a thousand of them.”
The remembrance tree was donated and delivered by Kenny Scheetz in memory of his brother Merle Scheetz. It is located in the gazebo at the court square and already has many stars placed on it.
“We get new ones each year and it’s nice to look and see whose names are on them,” Wilson said. “Hospice is a wonderful organization.”
One of the names on the tree is that of Wilson’s late husband.
“We used their services and volunteering for Hospice is my way of giving back to help someone else,” Wilson said.
To have an ornament placed on the tree in memory or honor of someone, call Health Services and Hospice of Coshocton County at 622-7311. You also can stop by the office at 230 S. Fourth St. No monetary contribution is required.
Category: Clubs & Organizations, People & Places