Coshocton BPW celebrates 80 years

Anniversary: The Coshocton BPW took a group photo at its 80th anniversary celebration. Pictured in row one are: Karen McCready, Mary Ann Dutro, Kathy Kellums, Phyllis Riccadonna, Emily McBurney, Carey McMasters, Marilyn Lauvray and Yolanda Sharier; row two: Sharon McTigue, Cristie Merce, Raine Hammond, Jean Sharier, Shirley Kirkpatrick, Dorothy Camp, Molly Bordenkircher, Eva June Kiser, Lulu Williams, Andrea Schweitzer-Smith, Joan McNeely, Patricia Parkhill-Roach, Karen Fry, Ruth Lahna, Mayor Steve Mercer, Ann Baker, Sharon Mercer, Linnet Lowe, Martin Bordenkircher, Julie Stein, Tomma Bordenkircher and Kristi Timmons. Photo contributed to The Beacon
COSHOCTON – Coshocton Business and Professional Women (BPW) celebrated its 80th anniversary Sept. 15, at the Frontier Power Community Room with an open house. A group photo of all attendees was taken. President Emily McBurney presented certificates to members with 20 plus years. Members recognized were Tomma Bordenkircher with 24 years; Dorothy Camp with 31 years; Joan McNeely with 34 years; and Eva June Kiser with 44 years. Doris Parkhill was hospitalized and was unable to receive her certificate recognizing her 47 years.
Eight past presidents were in attendance and were recognized by State Foundation Chair Liz Herrell. Attending were Patricia Parkhill-Roach, 1982-83; Ann Baker, 1983—84; Shirley Kirkpatrick, 1984-86; Joan McNeely, 1991-93; Andrea Schweitzer-Smith, 1993-94; Tomma Bordenkircher, 1994-95; Karen Fry, 1999-2001; and Liz Herrell 2004-06.
State Individual Development Chair and 80th Anniversary Chair Tomma Bordenkircher introduced the state board members. Attending were State President Phyllis Riccadonna, President Elect Kathy Kellums, Treasurer Mary Ann Dutro, Past State President Sharon McTigue, and Non-Dues Chair Karen McCready. She also thanked Mayor Steve Mercer and his wife Sharon for attending the celebration.
President McBurney and her husband Rob prepared a slide show highlighting the club’s 80 years which played while attendees enjoyed the memory boards, scrapbooks and light refreshments. Each attendee received an engraved business card holder
BPW’s mission is to achieve equity for all women in the workplace through advocacy, education and information. Membership is open to men and women, employed and unemployed. For information, contact Liz Herrell at 294-0199 or
Category: Clubs & Organizations