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Coshocton County Commissioners meet

| October 17, 2012

COSHOCTON – The Coshocton County Commissioners met Wednesday, Oct. 17 for their bi-weekly meeting. After the Pledge of Allegiance was said, the commissioners discussed whether to change their sick leave and vacation policy. Currently, employees are paid based on half an hour for sick leave and quarter hour for vacation. There was a discussion whether or not to amend the personal policy manual to quarter hour sick leave. Commissioners decided to adopt the changes once at a later date within the next few weeks.

Ike Riger, Supervisor of Building Maintenance discussed tree removal at Dr. Darr’s Animal Clinic, which is adjacent to county-owned property. Riger had been approached about the matter when he went to prune the trees. It was then suggested that the trees be removed from the property completely in case they fall and damage the clinic or the house. They also want to put in a solar panel and have concerns that the trees may fall on the solar panel. Forty to 50 trees would be removed. The commissioners argued that the trees were not hanging over the clinic or the house and that they are not in danger of falling. Commissioners said they needed to personally look into the matter before any decision was made. Riger also said that four trees in the courtsquare are dying and should be removed. He also discussed the remodeling of the County Service Building, which is being remodeled by Apple Valley Landscaping. They then went into executive session.

Ms. Gretchen Blazer from AEP discussed switching AEP products to lower the generation electricity portion of customers’ bills. The generation portion is the amount used to generate electricity and does not include transmission or distribution. The generation portion of the electric bill is about half of the bill. The customer’s bill under ‘Price to Compare’ will show how much customers pay per kilowatt hour. The PUCO website has all the different AEP products and prices listed for customers’ convenience. Blazer said that customers should be aware of the contract and whether or not there is a fixed rate. There is also a termination fee with the contract.

Ms. Janette Donaker presented the Commissioners with the auditor’s bank reconciliation report for them to sign. She also reported that about 500 residents did not pay their 2011 taxes and have until Friday to pay before their names will appear in the Tribune.

The Commissioners also received quotes from two separate businesses in regards to installing a generator at the Courthouse and the Courthouse Annex. The quote for the Courthouse was $14,900 and for the Annex, $8.300. The Commissioners will discuss this in detail at their meeting on Monday.

Also reported was:

–          Report of meetings attended

–          A request to approve the minutes of the previous meeting as present was approved.

–          Receive the dog warden report for the week ending Oct. 15, 2012 with nine dogs picked up by the warden, eight dogs brought in as strays, seven dogs destroyed, four citations issued, 11 calls handled, six licenses sold, three late fees paid, two dogs sold, three dogs redeemed, one dog per owner surrendered, $5 in boarding fees collected for a total of $223 in fees collected.

–          Request a motion to approve the following Then and Now Certificates which have been certified by the County Auditor was approved. See link here: Then and Now Certificates

–          A request to approve the bills per computer printout dated Oct. 17, 2012 was approved.

–          A request to approve the following Transfers/Additionals/Reductions which have been certified by the County Auditor were approved. See link: Transfers

–          A request to accept the notice of Judge Robert J. Batchelor that he will be attending the Ohio Supreme Court Common Evidentiary Issues Course in November 2012 was approved.

–          A request to grant permission to hire Mr. Michael Lawler as a part-time intermittent paramedic effective Oct. 17, 2012 as requested by Mr. Bernie Minet, EMS Director was approved.

–          A request to grant permission to Coshocton County Veterans Service Commission the use of the Court Square on Monday, Nov. 12, 2012 for the Annual Veterans Day Ceremony was approved.

–          A request to accept the notice that Judge Robert J. Batchelor will be attending the Common Pleas Judge Association Winter Conference in December 2012 was approved.

Category: Government, Uncategorized

About the Author ()

I have been employed at the Coshocton County Beacon since September 2009 as a news reporter and assistant graphic artist. I am a 2004 graduate of Newcomerstown High School and a 2008 graduate of Capital University with a bachelor’s degree in Professional Writing. I am married to John Scott and live in Newcomerstown. We have two beautiful daughters, Amelia Grace Scott and Leanna Rose Scott.

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