Coshocton County Health Department establishes measles information line

| May 9, 2014

COSHOCTON – The Coshocton County Health Department has established a dedicated measles information line for the public. The information line number is 295-7317. The information line will provide brief information about measles and will list local clinics dates and times in the surrounding area.

The information line is not answered, but callers needing more information can leave a message and the call will be returned as soon as possible.

The Coshocton County Health Department reports one new confirmed case of measles which brings the total to three in the county. Health officials are currently waiting on confirmation of a fourth suspected case.

The Coshocton County Health Department conducted one measles clinic in New Bedford on May 2 and county health department staff assisted on the Holmes County Health Department in vaccinating over 1000 people at their clinic in Charm.

There are currently 35 confirmed cases of measles in Ohio.

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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