Day of Prayer held at court square

During the Coshocton National Day of Prayer observance held Thursday evening, May 2 at the court square, Dan Myers used this Shofar and its distinct trumpeting sound to let Bible reading participants know when to begin their 15 minutes of Bible reading to the world. Participants faced outward from the sidewalk around the court square reading previously assigned verses from The Bible. This Shofar is from the horn of a Kudu in Africa, and was the instrument used by the Jews in Biblical times to blow down the walls of Jericho. The traditional Jewish instrument, often made from a ram’s horn, is referenced in the Book of Joshua.
COSHOCTON – Over 150 people gathered at the Coshocton County court square on a beautiful Thursday spring evening to observe the National Day of Prayer on May 2. Pastor Larry Massie greeted those in attendance which included a large group of youngsters holding red balloons aloft. Later, the balloons were released following a prayer by Jim Gross. Bible reading assignments were handed out prior to the event and participants read from The Bible aloud for fifteen minutes around 6:45 p.m. A proclamation was read by Coshocton County Commissioner D. Curtis Lee and Coshocton City Mayor Steve Mercer. Pastor Phil Hunt introduced several individuals that offered prayers for various groups. These included; Business, Renee Hardesty, Military, Herb Tidrick, Church, Joe Sanders, Education, Joni Peddicord, Government, Jason Given and First Responders, Michael Farley.
The Bible reading was organized by the Women of Witness and introduced by Kathy Hendricks. The closing prayer was offered by Sharon Mercer with Women of Witness. Praise and worship music at the event was led by the Solid Rock Foursquare Praise Team.
David Massie, a pastoral studies student at Mount Vernon Nazarene University gave a prayer for the Millennials generation.
Greeting the audience, Pastor Larry Massie said, “What a phenomenal privilege that we have to gather together across denominational lines here on our court square. I think it is important that we realize how privileged we are, how blessed we are, by God to be able to be here and gather here, to lift up and glorify the name of Jesus without any hindrance from anyone of any kind. That’s pretty phenomenal, I think.”
Category: Faith, Photo Galleries