Festival of trees coming to Walhonding Valley Historical Society

Dari-Land in Warsaw contributed an ice cream themed tree to the Walhonding Valley Historical Society Festival of Trees. Contributed | Beacon

This red and gold themed tree was submitted to the Walhonding Valley Historical Society Festival of Trees by Black Bear Pizza. Contributed | Beacon
WARSAW – The Walhonding Valley Historical Society is hosting a new Christmas event for the community.
The museum’s first festival of trees opens to the public on Nov. 26 after Warsaw’s 6:30 p.m. candlelighting and Santa parade and will continue on Saturdays and Sundays, Dec. 2-3, 9-10, and 16-17. Hours are 6 to 8 p.m. Saturdays and 1 to 4 p.m. Sundays. Weekday appointments can be made by calling Brenda or Dale Davis at 740-824-3872.
Warsaw businesses were invited to set up trees at the Main Street museum and Bee Buxton-Lehner said they will have around 10 for the public to view.
“There are two up right now (Nov. 21) and one is from Warsaw Dari-Land,” she said. “They used real ice cream cones and put these beautiful glass balls in each cone. It’s really sweet. They even took a banana spit tray and put three glass balls in it.”
The second tree that was up early was from Black Bear Pizza.
“It’s all red and gold and really pretty,” Buxton-Lehner said.
Businesses did not have to pay to be part of the event.
“All they had to do is let us know they wanted to decorate a tree,” Buxton-Lehner said. “We have all these windows so it’s easy for them to come in and locate their tree spot.”
The festival is free to the public, but donations are welcome.
“We wanted to get people to come in and see what we have,” Buxton-Lehner said. “They can see the trees, the museum displays and what we’ve accomplished upstairs. We are slowly, but surely moving down the hall and around the corner and being able to move things upstairs so we have more room downstairs.”
The museum showcases both Warsaw and Coshocton County history and has everything from arrowheads to kitchen appliances, has a big display of Lions Club memorabilia, a Warsaw school section, a military room and much more.
“We try to bring in the whole community,” Buxton-Lehner said.
For more information on the Walhonding Valley Historical Society, visit www.wvhistoricalsociety.org.
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