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Friends of Waggoner Cemetery Memorial Services set

| May 15, 2014

WEST LAFAYETTE – The Friends of Waggoner Cemetery will host its annual memorial service at 11:30 a.m. Saturday, May 17, in the cemetery, located at Oxford Township Road 474.

The guest speaker will be State Representative Jay Hottinger of the 71st District. The honor guard will be the Newcomerstown Veterans Organizations and the clergy will be Pastor Garry Marlatt. A covered dish luncheon will follow at the River Greens Golf Course Banquet Room. Coffee and table service will be provided. In case of bad weather, the entire program will be held in the banquet room. Oxford Township and all area residents, or anyone with an interest in genealogy, are welcome to attend.

The friends group was formed in 1992 to assist in the care and preservation of the cemetery. Members of the friends board of directors are Donis A. Emslie, M. Sally Emslie and Michelle A. Carpenter, all of West Lafayette.

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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