Honoring veterans
All Coshocton County Veterans were invited to pay tribute and honor to our fallen heroes on Saturday, May 18 at South Lawn Cemetery and others throughout the county by placing an American flag on each grave of a veteran. Pictured here is Dean Kittel, commander of the Sons of the American Legion, and Rick Valentine of the Sons of the American Legion placing a flag on a veteran’s grave. Flags were provided by the Coshocton County Veteran’s Service, and after only a short time, the whole of South Lawn Cemetery was covered with the stars and stripes. Displaying flags on veteran’s graves used to take up to two hours, but due to more help in recent years, the process now only takes about half an hour. The flags were displayed as a sign of honor and tribute for Armed Forces Day, which was Saturday, and the upcoming Memorial Day, Flag Day, and July 4th holidays.
Category: Clubs & Organizations, People & Places, Photo Galleries