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Kids learn about hospital departments

| April 2, 2013
Students learned about sports medicine and physical activity from family physician, Cesareo ‘Bob’ Tongco, MD and other major departments at the hospital as they traveled from station to station where they participated in hands-on activities. The event was to teach kids about the hospital and how each department provides care to the community.

Students learned about sports medicine and physical activity from family physician, Cesareo ‘Bob’ Tongco, MD and other major departments at the hospital as they traveled from station to station where they participated in hands-on activities. The event was to teach kids about the hospital and how each department provides care to the community.

COSHOCTON – Fifth and sixth grade members of the K-Kids from South Lawn came to the Coshocton Hospital today to learn about the hospital’s major departments where they may receive care if ever admitted into the hospital.

“The goal for them is to go around and get a feel for what they do in these departments with hands-on activities,” said Kathy Bauman, Senior Director Nurse at the hospital.

The departments participating were surgery, radiology, infection control, dietary, rehabilitations, emergency staff, laboratory, and family physicians.

“I don’t want them to be afraid when they come into the lab because all they know is needles and that it’s going to hurt,” said Charlene Ianniello, Ancillary Lab Supervisor. “We have a kind and caring staff in the lab and we want to help take that fear away.”

When the kids arrived, they received a bag to collect the hand-outs that were given to them, and included a medical mask, pen, paper, and hand sanitizer.

This is the first time in a long time the hospital has had kids come in and learn about the departments at the hospital, and Bauman hopes to continue it.

“We’d really like to do more of this and get more kids involved,” Bauman said. “It’s a very scary thing for these kids when they come into the hospital. It’s also a way for us to get our name out there in the community.”

One station that seemed very popular with the kids was the surgery station where they were able to see themselves on camera as Lance Casey, LPN CST, showed them how surgeons use small cameras to help them operate on patients.

“We’re just trying to give them a general idea of surgery,” said Casey. “If they’re thinking about a career in surgery, there are a lot of opportunities in the surgical department.”

The K-Kids are a part of Coshocton Kiwanis Club.

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Category: Education, Photo Galleries

About the Author ()

I have been employed at the Coshocton County Beacon since September 2009 as a news reporter and assistant graphic artist. I am a 2004 graduate of Newcomerstown High School and a 2008 graduate of Capital University with a bachelor’s degree in Professional Writing. I am married to John Scott and live in Newcomerstown. We have two beautiful daughters, Amelia Grace Scott and Leanna Rose Scott.

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