Leadership focuses on ethics

| December 11, 2012

Todd Cognion and his daughter Jordan Cogion are participating in Leadership Coshocton County together. On Dec. 11, they were able to share a class together as the two groups had a joint session at the Emmanuel Lutheran Church to discuss ethics.

COSHOCTON – Both the Leadership Coshocton County and Youth Leadership met Dec. 11 at the Emmanuel Lutheran Church for a combined session on ethics and morality, taught by Lena Crouso. During the morning session, the two groups played out and discussed ethical issues facing both teens and adults today such as bullying, cheating, drugs and alcohol, and peer pressure.

Donna Meyers, executive director of Leadership Coshocton County, is hoping that the youth can learn from the adults and vice versa during this session.

“I think the goal is to have interaction between adults and youth,” she said. “The adults can serve as a role model for the youth, and then adults can learn from the youth about what they go through in their lives. Ethics and morality is not age-sensitive. It’s for anybody. After we have this session, both groups ask if we can do this again. The youth might meet some individual that may help them down the road.”

Father and daughter Todd and Jordan Cognion decided to participate in Leadership Coshocton County together after Jordan heard about the program at school.

“I originally wanted to do it,” said Jordan. “I heard from juniors that were in it last year that you really need to do it. Now that I’m in it, I know what they were talking about. It’s a great experience.”

Todd said that he heard of the program through his daughter and when he learned that Leadership offered a class for adults, he decided to join.

“A lot of exercises have been refreshed from my college days,” he said.

While they do not have classes jointly together, except for today, both agreed that they have taken something positive away from the program.

“I have learned so much about my community that I never knew about,” said Jordan. “It’s kind of changed my view about Coshocton. Now, I see all the great things about Coshocton.”

To learn more about Leadership Coshocton County, visit their website at coshoctonfoundation.org/leadership.


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About the Author ()

I have been employed at the Coshocton County Beacon since September 2009 as a news reporter and assistant graphic artist. I am a 2004 graduate of Newcomerstown High School and a 2008 graduate of Capital University with a bachelor’s degree in Professional Writing. I am married to John Scott and live in Newcomerstown. We have two beautiful daughters, Amelia Grace Scott and Leanna Rose Scott.

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