Legal Notice
The City of Coshocton Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) will hold a public meeting for comments and to vote on variance BZA 1-16 and BZA 2-16, Wednesday, November 2, 2016 at 6:00 PM in Council Chambers at 760 Chestnut Street, Coshocton.
BZA 1-16 1290 Denman Av filed by Darlene Guess seeking a variance to leave the stone wall facing Denman Av & 13th St as it stands.
BZA 2-16 906 Orchard Street filed by Court Square Realty seeking a variance for a lot split separating church and residential property. The variance will allow both lots to be nonconforming on lot size and setbacks.
To offer input, you may attend this meeting or send comments regarding this appeal to the BZA Clerk, 760 Chestnut Street, Coshocton, OH 43812 prior to the meeting.
CCB: Oct 19’16
Category: Legal Notices