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Legal Notice

| August 27, 2019

The Coshocton County Board of Commissioners will be accepting sealed bids for the following property: Being located at 550 Main Street, Coshocton, Ohio 43812 and being 0.4146 acres, more or less, 0.1696 acres in Lot 195 (old Lot 9) and 0.2450 acres in Lot 196 (old Lot 10), William F. Delameters Subdivision of East Out Lot 14 and part of East Out Lot 13, Plat Book 1, pages 9 and 10, in the Second Quarter, Township 5 North, Range 6 West, United States Military Lands, in the City of Coshocton, in the County of Coshocton, in the State of Ohio, conveyed to Gannett GP Media, Inc. OR 682-599 (all), Parcel No. 043-0000417800 ( all, 0.1508 acres), Parcel No. 043-0000417900 (all, 0.0585 acres), Parcel No. 043-0000418000 (all 0.1330 acres) and Parcel No. 043-0000435800 (all, 0.0723 acres). Sealed Bids will be accepted until 9 am on Monday, September 16, 2019 at which time they will be opened and read aloud in the Coshocton County Commissioners Office, 401 ½ Main Street, Coshocton, Ohio. The minimum bid for this property is $400,000.00. For all interested bidders, the building will be available for viewing on September 3, 2019. Please contact the Commissioner’s Office at 740-622-1753 to set-up a viewing appointment. Please label all bids: 550 Main Street Property. The Coshocton County Commissioners reserve the right to reject any and all bids.
CCB: Aug 28, Sep 4, 2019

Category: Legal Notices

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