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Local Bounty Update

| February 13, 2014

Good morning LB shoppers – Happy Valentine’s week. Some of our vendors will have special treats for the loves in your life this week. From sweets to savory wine jams, why not celebrate love with the gift of food?

We are welcoming a new vendor today – homemade marinara sauces, relishes and salad dressings anyone? Be sure to check out Starfire Foods product line this week.

Here’s what some of our vendors have on tap for you:

Hillbippie (formerly Hall – RB – Hill)

This week from Hillbippie, formerly Hall-RB-Hill, I will have Rustic Baguettes and Big Boule French Bread. These breads are so good with soup or pasta! I will also have sandwich loaves this afternoon. Friday I will have Whole Wheat Boule (French word for Ball or Round Loaf)! Thanks

Keene Creek Farm

This week we will have the normal (yet oh so delicious) selection of foods available at the market. Our pork products are slimming down again, but we still have a decent selection of brats. There are also a couple of ham hocks left. According to my 78 year-old grandpa they make up into the best ham and bean soup he’s ever had (swore he’ll never buy a hock from the store again). The ham loaf is almost gone, but we will have more of it and a replenished bacon selection in a couple of weeks. Lard will also make a reappearance soon. Today Rowdi is going to Kidron to purchase our next batch of feeder pigs that we hope will finish out in June. Just in time to start our CSA and fill lots of whole/half pig orders. I’m lucky enough to stay home with two sick toddlers. Lastly, I made up a fresh batch of dark chocolate sea salt fudge last night. It is decadent and delicious. A perfect gluten-free dessert to a Valentine’s dinner.

Strawberry Hill Farm

Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone! Mary made a fresh batch of shortbread for Local Bounty this week—a melt-in-your-mouth treat for the big day. We’ve also stocked more sweet potatoes and a lot of our farm-fresh eggs. The hens must be sensing that spring is getting closer! (We’re all ready for that.)

Vendor Notes

Amy Troyer, whose homemade breads many of you are missing, has decided to not offer her breads through the market anymore. She had to hire someone every week to deliver her goods and it just wasn’t working out in her favor. However, she will still offer her tea blends and other non-perishable herbal products.  And, Russ Riggle has opted to not sell his wooden toys with us for now too. We will miss both products.

Cookie Decorating Re-Cap

Katie Hultz’s cookie decorating class was a great success. She’s already planning more (possibly once a month). Next up: one for moms/grandmas and daughters/granddaughters featuring princesses (of course). More details coming later.

Wanted: one dedicated, hard-working employee

That’s right, Local Bounty is looking to hire a part-time employee to help run the market and be a part of helping us grow. If you’re interested, please submit a resume and letter of interest to localbountycoshocton@gmail.com. We’re obviously looking for someone who is passionate about local food, enjoys working with the public, and is creative.

Thanks for your continued support and for allowing us to do what we do!

– Local Bounty Vendors

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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