Local Bounty update

| April 10, 2014

There has been so much going on this week at our little market. We are truly fortunate to be doing what we do in our community.

Here are a few announcements – and the vendor updates follow:

Farming Magazine Now Available

We recently learned about Farming Magazine that is published in Mt. Hope by the Kline family. And, we decided to make it available at Local Bounty. It touches on lots of homesteading topics – there really is something in it for everyone. You can pick up your copy of the Spring Edition for $5 starting today.


One of our egg vendors sold its flock last week so we will have a shortage of eggs until we find another vendor. Flying Pig Farm was able to purchase some of the hens, but moving them caused stress and they didn’t lay that well this week. We know many of you rely on our vendors for your farm-fresh eggs, and we ask for your patience as we work to find another vendor. If you know of someone who is interested in selling eggs, please let us know.

Cookie Decorating Class

Katie Hultz has decided to squeeze in another Easter-themed cookie decorating class. It will be Tuesday, April 15 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Local Bounty. The cost is $25 and includes the two hours of instruction, take home supplies and hands-on learning. Participants 10 years of age and older please. Sign up at the market.

Bart’s Rockin’ Brats – n – Dogs

Bart Winegar will be back at LB again Saturday (from morning into the afternoon) selling some locally grown brats and hot dogs. Top them off with some peppers, onions and marinara sauce and you’re in for a real treat.

Now to some updates from our vendors…

Flying Pig Farm

We have fresh sprouts again this week! If you’ve never tried them now is the time. We’ve also restocked granola. My dried pasta venture is on hold for future testing. With sweet baby, it’s proving tough to make, extrude and dry on a schedule. My apologies for any inconvenience. I’m working to come up with a system as I would really like to make pasta! We hope you enjoy the weather this week…70’s wow!


Hello and Good Morning! Our garden plot is set to be plowed soon and I will be transplanting my herb plants this weekend, exciting times on the hill. In LB today I will have new Wine Jelly flavors. Niagara Mint and Catabwa Lavendar, stop by from 2-6 for a sample! I will also have my Mint Condition Tea in bags and jars. I will not have any bread stocked today, I will have baguettes for Friday. As always if you need bread and you don’t see what you want in LB please contact me (hillbippiehall@gmail.com), I would love to make you a custom order!

Keene Creek Farm

Grilling season is officially here. Our brats (cheese, mild Italian or fresh bratwurst) are a guaranteed hit for a quick and easy dinner. Dress them up with some peppers, onions and some of Starfire Food’s spaghetti sauce (it’s exactly what we had for dinner last night). Our ham loaf and marinated loin chops are running low and we won’t have more until June. So, get them while they last. Are you making pie for Easter celebrations? Dig out your grandma or great-grandma’s pie crust recipe that calls for lard and give it a try. Our lard is on the bottom shelf of the Coke freezer. Speaking of Easter, if you aren’t cooking for a large crowd, but still want the traditional Easter ham, pick up one of our ham steaks. They are cured and smoked like a ham and sliced thinly so they cook quickly. Aunt M’s Monster Mix, rustic herb pizza dough mixes and artisan rosemary bread mix is all stocked and ready for you to take home and feed your family. Thanks to all for your continued support.

Mullet Apiaries

Thanks to everyone who purchased our chunk honey! Wish we could have it more often for you – something we have put into our possible future plans. Meanwhile, we have lots of our regular golden honey for you, as well as our creamed honey. We love the breakfast combo of cinnamon creamed honey and smoked almond butter from Loveridge House Brands on Rosemary’s oatmeal bread toasted. Grill season will be starting so a honey glaze on Keene Creek pork chops or Thousand Hill ham slices, with a salad from Salad Bar Farms, sprinkled with a few of Enrico’s spicy peanuts and topped with a dressing of lemon or lime juice, plain Greek yogurt and, of course, honey. We haven’t even mentioned half the possibilities you can find at Local Bounty and all the products from our local and regional vendors. Please visit us this Thursday, Friday or Saturday!

Salad Bar Farms

We have live lettuce available at Local Bounty this week. If you take them home and keep their roots wet in the refrigerator, they will last for weeks. Hope you’re enjoying our lettuce and kale.

Wholesome Valley Farm

We sent a new cheese product to Local Bounty this week – a shredded goat Gouda. There is also now a good supply of our new mozzarella (chunk and shredded – large and small available in both). It has been selling really well – if you haven’t tried it, give it a go. It is so smooth and melts nicely. The time is here to stock up on maple syrup. We have sent down a couple of gallon and half gallon jugs to add to our pint and quart selection.

Local Bounty Coshocton, LLC

22951 S.R. 83 N. Coshocton, OH 43812
740-622-1400 – We’re also on facebook!

Store Hours:
Thursdays: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Fridays: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Saturdays: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

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Category: Business

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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