Mark’s Musings – July 26, 2017

Mark Fortune
Rain, rain, go away! You know the saying. However, that is probably not a good statement to make with August looming around the corner. But if you’re trying to make hay, you know it has been a wet summer- and a particularly wet July. Some random internet searching brought up the metro areas in Ohio but did not give me any real specifics for the month. But it seems, and the growth of that green stuff would indicate that we have received more rain than average this month. And in bucketfuls. It rained cats and dogs this past weekend a couple of times – and they came straight down out of the sky – I did not find any after the rain but I imagine they sought shelter once their little feet – err, paws, hit the ground. The cats, of course, being felines, landed feet first. I did not see any buckets.
Cleveland Browns rookies reported to training camp including expected standout safety Jabrill Peppers who signed a four year deal worth $10.3 million. Peppers, who hails from TSUN (that school up north) is expected to help shore up the Browns defense and have an immediate impact.
While watching the rain come straight down yesterday whilst sitting on the porch, I noticed some low spots in the driveway where gravel is missing. Here is the question – where does gravel go? Gravel can be lumped into (yes, it really can be lumped!) the same category as toothpicks and paper clips. They are still making paper clips and toothpicks as far as I know. Gravel I’m not so sure about. I think it was made eons ago. We just have to dig it out, screen it, wash it, etc. I think. I don’t really know the specifics of gravel. I do know that paper clips come in different sizes as do staples. For that matter we could throw mulch and binder clips into this fray and see which one comes out on top.
There are lots of special events happening throughout Coshocton County this weekend and on into next week! Check this week’s issue of The Beacon for the many faith based events, opportunities to enjoy some homemade food at several locations and if you have youngsters at home you can still have them participate in a vacation Bible school or two. Have a great homecoming West Lafayette!
The Tribe is still maintaining a slim lead over Kansas City – and the Cubs have moved into a first place tie with the Brewers after winning eight and losing two in their last 10 games. The Bucs are only three games back. That also means that the Reds are a bit closer as the Brewers went 3-7 over their past 10 games.
Praise is the word for all those involved in last week’s scare at City Hall. The coordination among various agencies – local and otherwise – should have Coshocton County residents confident that our community is ready for – and can handle – an incident of this magnitude. Thank you.
Category: Mark's Musings, Opinion