Mark’s Musings – June 26, 2013
Did you watch daredevil Nik Wallenda tightrope walk across the Grand Canyon? That was something to see. Courage? Faith? Confidence? All of those words come to mind as I watched him battle the winds, illusions of the gorge itself and use the pole to balance his body as he made his way across the nearly 1,400 foot chasm. Personally, I can barely keep my balance on a stationary bike let alone think about this feat. It was also neat to have him miked so the audience could hear his father Terry offer advice and encouragement as Nik made his way across the gorge.
And in today’s politically charged world (note I did not write “correct”), it was quite encouraging to hear him utter fervent prayers and thank Jesus for the opportunity. I was thinking, “That’s a long way down”, as he stopped a couple of times to try and calm the two inch round cable that he walked across. Anyone that follows this sport knows that the Wallenda family is well known for their prowess on the tightrope – but still, the Grand Canyon? Jeez. That will be a difficult feat to top.
To all of the Indian Mud Run participants, Hubie Cushman and the volunteers that made it happen, we say, “Congratulations!” And especially to our own Nina Drinko for taking on this challenge. Way to go!
Did anyone else think that the NBA championship would go all seven games? Of course you did. The Spurs should have wrapped it up in game six, but the Heat is just too talented. Now the question is all about how many championships they can win. Your opinion?
The Tribe is in second place but showing signs of recovery after that disappointing eight game losing streak. As long as the Yankees aren’t in first, I’ll take it. The exciting race is in the National League central of course, with the Pirates, Reds and Cardinals all battling – St. Louis is in the driver’s seat but the Pirates and Reds aren’t going away. This will be fun to watch as the baseball season heads to the All Star break.
Let’s all get behind the local fireworks display to make this happen. There are many in our community who, due to jobs and other commitments can’t make it to Columbus or another community to watch the fireworks. Read the article in this issue of The Beacon and get behind this effort. A lot of kids (and “older” kids) will appreciate it.
The new benches are on the court square. Very nice! This was another fine example of a coordinated and combined effort among community leaders to add some beauty and comfort to what is already a gem in our county, the court square. Thanks to everyone who helped make this happen for our community. The new benches will benefit the people of Coshocton County for many, many years.
Category: Mark's Musings