Mark’s Musings – November 23, 2016

Mark Fortune
I do not recall ever seeing Santa sweat. That is, until the balmy spring like temperatures that rolled through Coshocton County last Friday for the Miracle on Main Street parade. Typically, kids and adults alike are bundled up like a scene straight from the Polar Express. But like a Christmas elf, the unseasonably warm temperatures could not linger any longer and disappeared on Friday night as we headed into Saturday.
Saturday, Nov. 19, 2016. The date that the Coshocton Redskins football team takes on the number one team in Division V, the Wheelersburg Pirates in what is certain to be a classic showdown. Due to the holiday your Coshocton County Beacon went to press on Friday night of the parade. Regardless of a win or a loss, the Coshocton Redskins players, cheerleaders, band members and directors, fans, coaches, boosters and parents-anyone that is involved with the program-deserves the praise of our community for a hard fought and victorious season and one that these young men will not forget as it will go down as a memorable chapter in the long history of Coshocton Redskins athletics.
The parade took a slight detour – nothing like going from the North Pole to Florida or anything like that – just a quick left turn at Walnut and a sharp right on Sixth and then another left to Main Street and all things Coshocton. The folks with Our Town Coshocton deserve our gratitude and a big THANK YOU for coordinating the parade. Nicely done. And thanks to LCC for the treats! Yummy.
Who else thought that Terry Francona was the best choice for American League Manager of the Year? The injury laden Indians not only made it through two tough opponents in the playoffs but came up only a rain delay and a couple hits from their first World Series title since 1948. Well deserved. He will lead the Tribe to a series championship. Maybe even next year. Meanwhile, they are still celebrating in Chicago. Yes, they really are. Speaking of that and the holidays, how many people-younger, older and all ages in between-will be receiving Cubs memorabilia for Christmas? Lots.
The Browns will not win even one game this year. I don’t see it happening. But while the Browns are winless at this point the San Francisco 49’ers have only tasted victory once this season. I don’t see a win coming for the Browns. The New Year even starts on a bitter note with the Browns playing at Pittsburgh on Jan. 1. Wow.
Speaking of San Francisco did you see the story bubble up about the controversial teaching guide in their schools right? The lesson plan was bubbled up by the teachers union – The United Educators of San Francisco – there are 57,000 students taught by the more than 6,000 members. It is a Lesson Plan on the November 2016 Election. It will be interesting to see where this goes.
The Wolverines stumbled – the Buckeyes hopefully got a win over the Spartans on Saturday and that makes the big game against TTUN loom about as large as it possibly could. And BIG conference football on Friday nights? Bad move, bad move. Leave the thrill of Friday night lights to the high school players. College already has Thursday night and Saturday. That should be enough.
Category: Mark's Musings, Opinion