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Mark’s Musings – September 25, 2019

| September 24, 2019

Mark Fortune

Where did the year go? I am sure many of you are asking that same question. When the fair rolls around you know that the year is headed towards the end of the line so to speak. The weather has been great, even a bit dry actually and it seems that it might be a bit warm for the fair – like last year. We will see. We all know that – being Ohioans – the weather can change like your choice of pie at your favorite food stand at the fair. I can taste it now.

It is difficult to pinpoint a favorite food from the fair – it could be the French Fries, a good hamburger, a box of popcorn here and there, a caramel apple, a sugar waffle, an Italian sausage sandwich or something else. Just so you know, all of the above items are almost within arm’s reach of the Beacon booth in the large commercial building – if you’re out and about, stop and visit for a moment or two – if you can catch me in between food stands.

A lot of people put a tremendous amount of time and energy into making the fair possible – and the members of the Senior Fair Board certainly deserve a big thank you and our appreciation. If you happen to see one of them at the fair, just say “thanks for what you do.” It just might make their day. Making the fair happen takes a lot of work.

It would appear that the Buckeyes are for real with their first true test coming this weekend against Nebraska. The ‘Huskers only blemish is against Colorado – which went into overtime. The game is at Nebraska which gives them the advantage in that area but in everything else I think the Buckeyes are just better. A Saturday evening game will have ‘Husker fans in a mood. Buckeyes 42 – Nebraska 21.

The baseball playoff picture is starting to become clearer as teams head into the final week of games – as of this writing the Indians are tied with Tampa Bay for the second wildcard spot as Oakland has all but tied up the top wildcard spot in the American League. The hurdle for the Tribe is the final three games of the season at Washington – where they lose the very important designated hitter position in the lineup. Let’s hope that is not the difference maker for the season. You can’t look at it that way though – a win or two earlier in the season and the conversation would be moot. And since Washington has something to play for as well, keeping their wildcard spot, that final series will probably make or break the season.

As you will read in this issue of The Beacon, Jerry Firman, the “Old Fogey” passed away. I know that many of you enjoyed reading The Coshocton Free Enterpriser back in the day and Jerry’s often quirky, homespun, country boy style of writing. He was quick with a quip and I learned a lot about running a newspaper from Jerry. The production of a newspaper in the eighties involved paste-up boards, knives and a lot of hot glue. Ah, how times have changed. Thanks Jerry for the memories and sharing your knowledge.

Category: Mark's Musings, Opinion

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