Maternal and Child Health Center named August agency of the month

| August 15, 2013

COSHOCTON – The United Way of Coshocton County would like to highlight the Maternal and Child Health Center as the August Agency of the Month.

The development of the clinic began in 1971 with the first clinic being offered January 1972. The Services provided were immunizations only at five four-hour satellite clinics each week (three to six patients a day). In 1976 the clinic began offering immunization services at a central office rather than satellite locations

In 1983 the clinic began offering well child services, such as physical and developmental screenings.  MCHC became a United Way agency in 1984 and has been an agency since that time. In 1984 Child Health began holding a prenatal clinic and then the program name was changed to Maternal and Child Health Center.

In 1993 the Coshocton County commissioners granted the program additional space and remodeled to assure the space would meet program guidelines. The program is currently operated out of the Coshocton County Health Department located at 724 S. Seventh St.

It currently offers the following services:

Child Health

–          Well child exams, ages 0-12

–          Preschool/daycare physicals

–          Immunizations – infant, early childhood and adolescent

–          Vision and hearing screenings

–          Developmental screenings

–          Lead poisoning and iron screenings


–          Comprehensive prenatal care including exams by a  physician and nurse

–          Postpartum check-up

–          Prenatal/nutritional counseling

–          Pregnancy testing

–          Assistance with accessing Medicaid

The Maternal and Child Health Center is a nonprofit program with a mission to assure well children and pregnant women access to quality health care, provide health education for the community and facilitate assessment of community needs and resources. Funding for programs offered comes from a combination of support from a federal grant channeled through the Ohio Department of Health, patient fees and Medicaid reimbursements and charitable contributions from various churches and civic organizations such as United Way and Jr. Women. It relies heavily on United Way and has been a member agency since 1984. Various other grants are obtained to supplement clinic goals and objectives. None of its funding is guaranteed and it receives no local tax dollars. The County Commissioners provided space and maintenance of the space at no cost to the program.

The Maternal and Child Health Center is comprised of two units – prenatal and well child. Between the two it provides, on an annual basis, services for an average of 1,200 county residents who make, on average, more than 2,500 visits each year to receive all or some part of the services that are provided.

As a matter of interest, the child health program provided 2,062 immunizations in 2012 and 964 January – July in 2013.

It also is providing nutrition education and physical activity classes at a day care center in Coshocton as part of the Child and Family Health Services Grant. The center also is working on expanding this program into the county schools in 2013. Work also is being done to educate parents on the importance of safe sleeping habits and environments for babies. This is being done through displays at community events, as well as distributing literature during events and to prenatal patients.

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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