Miss ‘Kitty’ wins coveted Miss Relay title

Contest: The girls from the 2013 West Lafayette Homecoming Court who judged this year’s Miss Relay contest were looking for some attitude at the Coshocton County Relay for Life and they found it with the entry from Team All Night for The Fight. Pictured is Justin Murray, aka Miss Kitty Purry who won this year’s title. The crown was awarded by 2013 West Lafayette Homecoming Queen Morgan Bradford. Beacon photo by Mark Fortune
COSHOCTON – 2013 West Lafayette Homecoming Queen Morgan Bradford said, “We were looking for who had the best attitude, their outfits, why they’re here for Relay and how they presented themselves on the stage.” Casey Varian said, “I think we all came to the same conclusion. We all said right away “We like her . . .err, him.” Gracee Robertson said, “They all had a good attitude and I’m just glad that they all came out to help find a cure for cancer.”
Sporting a wild mane of purple hair, this year’s winner hailed from Team All Night for The Fight. Miss “Kitty Purry” aka Justin Murray had a lot of attitude and that translated into his being crowned the winner for 2014. Murray said, “We’re relaying for Russell Blair, our main captain’s dad who died from cancer 15 years ago. This is our second year as a team.”
Murray said he was going for “a lot of personality. I didn’t think I was going to win it on looks alone so I had to have the charisma part of it down. I was trying to be friendly but not too sassy. I wanted to be likeable but at the same time have a little bit of pizzazz to me.”
“Hopefully I can repeat it next year – I’m sure they’re going to make me do it again (laughing). I’ll be going for a second one.”
Jodi Seibert returned in her role as emcee and had the audience laughing throughout the contest with her friendly banter towards the contestants.
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