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Business & Professional


Board of Realtors
115 N 3rd St
Coshocton, Ohio 43812
Phone: (740) 622-7678
President: Jim Nelson
Address: Century 21 Court Square Reality
404 Main St
Coshocton, Ohio 43812
Phone: (740) 622-3731
Email: jfnel@clover.net

Warsaw Business Association
PO Box 444
Warsaw, Ohio 43844
Phone: (740) 824-4283
President: Tom Roahrig
Email: troahrig@warsawbiz.org
Web site: www.warsawbiz.org
Meetings are the first Wednesday of every month in the Town Hall at 7 p.m. Their mission is to keep the public informed about upcoming events. Dues are $35.

Business Professional Women
Contact: Tomma Bordenkirker
Phone: (740) 622-0009
President: Kim Gress
Web site: www.bpw.ohio.org/coshocton
Meets the third Monday of every month. Call for location as location varies from month to month.

Trirosis Club
Contact: Jennie Thompson
The Trirosis Club is a service organization dedicated to helping the growing needs of the community by having various fundraisers where the money is then dedicated to an organization in need. Meets the first Monday of
every month.