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Our Town Stories: Florists, Greenhouses and Gardens

| December 3, 2013

Kiefer’s Greenhouse being built in the 1940s.

COSHOCTON – Florists, Greenhouses and Gardens is the topic for the Johnson-Humrickhouse Museum’s Our Town Stories discussion on Dec. 12. This is a time to share clippings, stories, photos and memories of life in Coshocton County in the past, whether it’s 25 years ago or 60. How many greenhouses were there? Where were they located and what did they grow? Were there public gardens? On what occasions did your family use a florist? Come and share your keepsakes, photos, and memories whether you grew up in Coshocton or not. While you’re at the museum, you will have the opportunity to enjoy the special display, One Hundred Years of Kiefer’s Floral. Doors will open at 11:30 a.m. so that you can check out the display before the discussion.

JHM’s Our Town Stories gathering occurs monthly on the second Thursday of the month at noon. The atmosphere is casual and the discussion is always informative, fun and surprising. Admission for the program is free, and beverages and cookies will be provided. January’s topic is Comfort Food. For more information, contact the Johnson-Humrickhouse Museum at 622-8710 or jhmuseum@jhmuseum.org. The Johnson-Humrickhouse Museum is located at 300 N. Whitewoman Street, Coshocton. The museum is open to the public Tuesday through Sunday, 1 – 4:30 p.m.

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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