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Put Christ back into Christmas this year

| November 22, 2016

COSHOCTON – With the holiday season approaching, it’s easy to get caught up in the pretty Christmas decorations, buying the perfect present, and fixing the perfect Christmas feast. But this Christmas, getting back to what Christmas is really about will give you peace and joy throughout the Christmas season and the coming year.

“We are always looking for something to bring joy and happiness into our lives and we think we can find that in material things,” said Rev. Dr. Brad Call, Three Rivers United Methodist District Superintendent. “But those material things always leave us feeling empty. We need to get back into a meaningful relationship with Christ and stop looking for joy in material things.”

Christmas has become too commercialized in our modern world and we have gotten away from what truly matters.

“Even we Christian people put so much emphasis on the gift and not the giver,” said Pastor Ron Davis of Gospel Hill Ministry.

Davis said that this year is a perfect year to get back to Christ this Christmas for the simple reason that Christmas falls on a Sunday, the day specifically set aside by Christians to worship God.

“I think this is the year for people to recognize what Christmas is really about because it falls on a Sunday,” said Davis. “This is the day that Christians have set aside to worship Christ. I know that family is important, but it doesn’t happen too often that Christmas falls on a Sunday.”

Getting back to church is also a way that people can connect with Christ throughout the year.

“Stay involved in a church and be with like-minded people,” said Call. “Church is a spiritual aide and helps you connect with Christ, and it’s never too late to do that.”

Praying to God daily, caring for one another, and doing our part to make the world a better place are also ways to connect with God on a spiritual level.

“I’m glad people are paying a little more attention to God this time of the year, but we need to do that all year long,” said Call.

After the holiday season is over and all the decorations are put away for the year, many people feel depressed and have the “winter blues”, but Davis said Christ didn’t come into the world for a one-day celebration.

“We sing ‘Joy to the World’ on Sunday morning and we have a mandate to take that joy all year around,” said Davis. “Remember, it wasn’t a one-day thing that He came into this world for. It was a joy that’s supposed to last all year.”

Some people may feel unworthy and that they have committed too many sins against God to get back into a church this Christmas season, but that is why God sent His Son to save us from sin.

“God’s grace is huge,” said Call. “None of us is truly worthy. God wants us to understand that He knows we can’t live up to His expectations. We will always fail, but God always forgives us and wants us to do our best.”

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Category: Faith

About the Author ()

I have been employed at the Coshocton County Beacon since September 2009 as a news reporter and assistant graphic artist. I am a 2004 graduate of Newcomerstown High School and a 2008 graduate of Capital University with a bachelor’s degree in Professional Writing. I am married to John Scott and live in Newcomerstown. We have two beautiful daughters, Amelia Grace Scott and Leanna Rose Scott.

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