RHS to continue tradition of excellence

Marching Generals: Shyann Boone, Hanna Lucas, Jenna Clum, Bryse Gilmore, Katie Durben, Hannah Arnold, Kaitlin Milligan, Racheal Robbins, Connor Wheeler, Kylie Art, Katelyn Gallagher, Clay Lower, Nathan Moses, Danielle Geer, Danika Brenneman, Tristan Ward, John Bordenkircher, Zoe Miller, Kacia Eckelberry, Tyler Phillips, Colin McConnell, Zach Austin, Dakota Schrock, Cameron Burkholder, Jarrett Brenneman, Lori Kocher, Jonathon Arnold, Evan Youker, Hayden Davis, Scott Hart, Sean Ondayko, Kelsea Gallagher, Logan Fisher, Jordan Conner, Kyla Lyons, Emily Buchanan, Jason Paugh, Austin Fisher, Maggie Vatter, Keisha Hart, Ashlynn Carnes, Brooke Husky, Elizabeth Allen, Ashley Edwards, Michaela Fite, Bethany Landis, Trista Yoder, Jacob Panteloukas, Staff – John Lindig, Haley Evans, Tyler Mann, Jennifer Lindig
WEST LAFAYETTE – The Ridgewood High School Marching Band is looking forward to continuing its tradition of excellence.
“The band did very well last season,” said John Lindig, director. “We won our class at all five contests we attended. Highlight of the season was going to state finals and receiving a superior rating. It marked our 24th consecutive year going to state finals and our 11th consecutive year earning a superior rating. Out of 24 years, the band has earned a superior rating at state 20 times.”
This is Lindig’s 15th year leading the Marching Generals and prior to that he was assistant director at Ridgewood for four years.
The 2014 marching band has 47 students who will be doing a show based on the music of Journey.
“We chose this music because of its great popularity and catchy melodies,” Lindig said.
The band is down four members from last year, but has a goal of getting membership back into the 50s in the near future.
“The band has a lot of returning members and a strong junior and senior class that are not only very good musicians but also good leaders,” Lindig said. “Our current weakness is our overall band sound which will improve now as we have consistent rehearsals every day.”
The band also is working on adding color boundaries around its performance area that will isolate the area of the field it is using.
“This will complement our uniforms and define the area of performance so we do not look like we are trying to cover an entire field,” Lindig said.
In addition to playing for the football team, the band also will compete at the following competitions on Saturdays: Zanesville (5 p.m. start time) – Oct. 4; OSU (9 a.m. start time, but RHS is scheduled for 1:15 p.m.) – Oct. 11; River View, Meadowbrook (11 a.m. and 5 p.m. start times) – Oct. 18; New Philadelphia (4 p.m. start time) – Oct. 25; Potential State Finals Date – Nov. 1.
“I think the band will do very well at competitions this year,” Lindig said. “Our marching is coming along very nicely and the music should be very good by our first contest.”
Category: Education