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Roscoe Village offers “Dinner at the Doctor’s House”

| January 10, 2014

Roscoe Village Dinner at the Doctor's House 2014COSHOCTON – Roscoe Village is offering several new programs and activities for 2014, one that includes fine dining. Join us for some great food and historical fun with “Dinner at the Doctor’s House”. Enjoy the hospitality of Roscoe’s leading citizens as you have the pleasure of dining in Dr. Johnson’s home.

Dinner is a full-course meal and is served by costumed, village residents who will share dining etiquette or cooking practices of the 1800s along with humorous tales of the canal. Dinner will be pre-ordered for your choosing. A generous menu is offered in addition to a historical menu. Cost of this unique experience is $45 per person and must be a minimum of four people or a maximum of eight.

This remarkable dinner is available in 2014 on the following dates: Jan. 31, Feb. 28, March 28, and April 25 at 6:30 p.m. Call us today at 622-7644 ext. 20 to book your “Dinner at the Doctors House”.  Reservations must be made one week in advance.

For more information on Historic Roscoe Village, call (800) 877-1830 or (740) 622-7644 or visit our website at www.roscoevillage.com. The Village is located at 600 N. Whitewoman Street on State Routes 16 and 83 near the junction of US Route 36 in east-central Ohio.

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Category: Arts & Entertainment

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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