Roscoe Village offers fall Spirit Tour

| October 16, 2014

COSHOCTON -As summer turns to autumn Roscoe Village invites you for a brisk evening walk through this spirited canal town. On Friday and Saturday, Oct. 17-18 during the 45th Annual Apple Butter Stirrin’ Festival, Roscoe Village will host its Spirit of Roscoe tour.

Tours will begin at 7 p.m. when a 1800s Roscoe resident will invite you to stroll the dimly lit street of the village by lamplight. You will visit the many scenes of unsolved mysteries such as the Roscoe Fire Bug and local legends of our spirited canal town which includes the tale of the bloody Bible.

Tours last until 8:30 p.m. Admission is $9.95 for adults and $4.95 for students. Children under five are free. This is just one of the many exciting activities taking place during the 45th Annual Apple Butter Stirrin’ Festival.

For information on special events in Roscoe Village, call 1-800-877-1830 or e-mail You may also visit the website at and “like” the village on Facebook.

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Category: Arts & Entertainment

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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