Rough truck to feature original track this year

| July 18, 2018

COSHOCTON – Bring the whole family to the 21st annual Three Rivers Fire District Car Show and Rough Truck on Saturday, July 21 at the Coshocton County Fairgrounds, 707 Kenilworth Ave., Coshocton.

The car show begins at 10 a.m. and will feature cars, trucks, and motorcycles of all makes and models. Vehicle registration is $10 at the gate and will be held from 10 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Dash plaques will be awarded to the first 100 entries. Admission to the public is free.

“We earmark that money for MARC radios,” said Lynn Powelson, fire chief. “That assists us with the purchase and upgrading of our communications.”

Walk around the fairgrounds in the shade to view the cars, talk to the owners, and reminisce about good times. The Future Leaders 4-H Club will have a food booth and a DJ will be playing a variety of music from all eras and genres throughout the day.

“This is our 21st year doing it and the thing I enjoy most is we have regular people who come every year and with some people, it’s the only time I get to see them,” said Powelson. “It’s interesting to me that we get these people back in and I get the chance to talk to them and thank them for coming every year.”

The car show will also feature a 50/50 drawing, door prizes donated by local businesses, and awards. There are 40 sponsor trophies, a kid’s choice award, and the coveted firefighter’s choice award.

“The firefighter’s choice award is like the best of show,” said Powelson. “All fire district members who are there walk through and pick out what they feel is the best vehicle. We tally up the results and whatever vehicle has the most points wins the award.”

The awards will be given out at about 2 p.m. or 3 p.m.

That night, the Coshocton County Fairgrounds comes to life with the rumbling of the rough truck competition at the grandstands. New this year will be the layout of the track that will be a bit different than in year’s past.

“We are bringing it back to the original track layout,” said Rodney Adams, who is in charge of the competition.

The rough truck will begin at 7 p.m. and cost is $5 for the public ages 3 and above. Driver check-in begins at 5 p.m. and cost is $20, which includes one pit pass for the driver only. Additional pit passes are $10 each.

Any money that comes in for the rough truck will be split between Three Rivers Fire and the agricultural society.

“We’ve had this a lot of years and it’s been a great fundraiser for both of us,” said Adams.

Come early to see the Midnight Rider Monster Truck which will return this year and will be crushing cars before the competition at the track. The rough truck will also have two food stands provided by the Three Rivers Women’s Auxiliary and the junior fairboard.

Trophies will be awarded for first, second, and third place. Trophies are sponsored by Steve Hall of Radiator Service, 57374 CR 9, West Lafayette.

“I hope everyone comes out for a family-friendly evening and has a good time,” said Adams.

Powelson said he is appreciative of the support from the community each year.

“We at Three Rivers are very appreciative of the support from the community who comes and watches this event,” he said. “We’re very appreciative of the local merchants who donate the trophies, and they also donated money to help us get the Midnight Rider back. The list goes on, the merchants, the community, and the participants themselves. Whether it be the car show or the rough truck, the support is overwhelming and we are very appreciative.”

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About the Author ()

I have been employed at the Coshocton County Beacon since September 2009 as a news reporter and assistant graphic artist. I am a 2004 graduate of Newcomerstown High School and a 2008 graduate of Capital University with a bachelor’s degree in Professional Writing. I am married to John Scott and live in Newcomerstown. We have two beautiful daughters, Amelia Grace Scott and Leanna Rose Scott.

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