Sheriff’s Office Morning Report for Dec. 7, 2016

| December 7, 2016

On Dec. 6, the Sheriff’s Office investigated 4 accidents and 6 complaint(s).



7:16 A.M. Sheena Smith of Warsaw was traveling southbound on TR 282 when she went off the right side of the road and struck a fence before coming to a rest in a field.


8:23 A.M. Lisa Large of Killbuck was traveling southbound on SR 60 near CR 343 when she lost control on the ice covered bridge striking the guardrail.


8:26 A.M. Tyler Wallace of Millersburg was traveling southbound on SR 60 near CR 643 when he lost control on the ice covered bridge striking the guardrail.


5:11 P.M. Officers responded to a report of an accident with injuries on CR 10 at TR 181.



2:11 A.M. Jennifer Dawson of Coshocton reported the theft of items from her residence.


7:37 A.M. Glenn Wallace of Coshocton reported the theft of money.


8:57 A.M. While on routine patrol the litter officer located an illegal dump site on TR 350 in Jefferson Township.


9:11 A.M. While on routine patrol the littler officer located an illegal dump site on TR 336 in Jefferson Township.


9:38 A.M. While on routine patrol the litter officer located an illegal dump site on TR 348 in Jefferson Township.


1:32 P.M. Dakota A. Freetage of Coshocton reported her residence broken into.



Category: Sheriff's Report

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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