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Sheriff’s Office Morning Report for Jan. 07, 2017

| January 9, 2017

On Jan. 06, the Sheriff’s Office investigated 2 accident(s) and 7 complaint(s).



12:13 P.M. A three vehicle non-injury accident occurred at the intersection of Main St. and Second St. when Gibson Reese of Bethlehem Twp. ran the red light.


3:16 P.M. Dakota Seitz of Jackson Twp. and Wanda Badgett-Dralle of Blissfield clipped mirrors while driving in opposite directions on SR-541 in Jackson Twp.



12:56 A.M. The Sheriff’s Office received a report of noises coming from the inside of the laundromat at 805 Denman Ave. Upon investigation, Mark D. Tidwell of Coshocton was arrested and charged with breaking and entering and theft.


9:55 A.M. The Litter Prevention Deputy located an illegal dump site on Linton TR-137.


10:55 A.M. The Litter Prevention Deputy located an illegal dump site on CR-367 in Perry Twp.


2:06 P.M. Samuel Arthur of Coshocton reported fraud.


4:27 P.M. Jeremy Watts and Sherry Fredericy of Jefferson Twp. reported being threatened.


5:11 P.M. Cassandra Holmes of Coshocton was arrested on a Coshocton Warrant.


8:03 P.M. Chance Morgan of Coshocton was arrested on a Coshocton Warrant.

Source: www.coshoctoncounty.net/sheriff

Category: Sheriff's Report

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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