Sheriff’s Office Morning Report for Oct. 11, 2016
On Oct. 10, the Sheriff’s Office investigated two accident(s) and eight complaint(s).
2:41 PM: The Sheriff’s Office received a report of a two vehicle, non-injury accident in the 300 block of Main Street in Coshocton
11:36 PM: Chester Boffo of West Lafayette lost control of his vehicle on SR 93 south entering the village, going off the roadway and striking the embankment
12:01 AM: Walmart reported three shoplifters left the store with a quantity of merchandise
8:24 AM: Elizabeth Loggins of Coshocton reported her car was stolen. It was later discovered the car had been repossessed
9:12 AM: A Jerry Mann reported the theft of 105 gallons of fuel
1:34 PM: Nicholas Thomas of Coshocton reported being harassed
2:14 PM: The Sheriff’s Office received a report of a domestic violence situation at a Jackson Township residence
6:33 PM: Cheyanna Cupps of Coshocton reported the theft of a phone
8:26 PM: After responding to a fight call in the 800 block of Locust Street, deputies arrested and charged Kyle Kimble of Coshocton with disorderly conduct
8:30 PM: Dillon Bryant of Coshocton reported being threatened
Category: Sheriff's Report