Teen-Age Talent exhibition set

| March 15, 2013

Teen TalentCOSHOCTON – The Johnson-Humrickhouse presents its 23rd annual exhibit of Teen-Age Talent Saturday, March 23 through Sunday, April 28.

The exhibit features more than 100 works from the four area high schools. The artwork covers a wide range of styles, from watercolor paintings and tissue paper collage to papier-mâchéand mixed media sculpture. A number of the works have a pop culture flare. River View students created ceramic bobble head figures and Walt Disney themed paintings. Likewise, Coshocton students produced some fun pieces with their album cover art and Warhol-like portraits using layers of cardboard to show depth.

Overall, the exhibit shows superior artistry with diverse styles and subject matter. River View student Elisha Hamric painted a landscape and added highly textured 3-D trees that create an impression of fantasy. Perhaps the painting is actually a portal into another world. Another impressive painting is by Coshocton High School student Madeline Hire. Her H is for Heron could be found in any well-illustrated ABC book.

Works for Teen-Age Talent were chosen for their outstanding quality by art teachers Myrtle Beall, Adam Wagner and Carissa Dickerson and Raylene DeLuca. The work will be judged in four categories: Two-dimensional Fine Art, 3-Dimensional, Design, and Black and White Drawing. 

The theme of the artists’ reception is Tie-d on Art and will be held from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. March 22. Wear a tie or make one while you’re at the reception.

Museum hours are 1 to 4:30 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday. Wednesdays are free for Coshocton County residents. Teen-Age Talent is sponsored by Oxford Resource Partners. The Ohio Arts Council helped fund this program with state tax dollars to encourage economic growth, educational excellence and cultural enrichment for all Ohioans.

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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