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Town Center gearing up for Coshocton Canal Festival

| June 17, 2013

COSHOCTON – It is once again time to start thinking about the Coshocton Canal Festival, the annual August event that takes visitors back in time to the days when the United States depended on canals for travel and trade.

This year’s festival will take place Friday through Sunday, Aug. 9 – 11, and feature all of the traditional favorites on and surrounding the Courthouse Square. From costumes of days gone by to a Grand Parade that winds the streets of downtown Coshocton, there will something for visitors of all ages to see and do.

This year’s Grande Parade theme is Made in the USA in keeping with Mayor Steve Mercer’s vision of making Coshocton the Made in the USA city. The Canal Festival Parade volunteers are urging anyone who wants to show their love for Coshocton history to come out and sign up for this bigger and better exciting parade.

The Coshocton Canal Festival will kick off on Thursday, Aug. 8, with the naming of the Canal Festival Junior Queen followed on Friday by the naming of the Canal Festival Senior Queen, Canal Festival Princess and Canal Festival Queen. On Saturday, Aug. 9, the Grande Parade will take place at 5 p.m. with the free concert to follow at the main stage.

This year’s festival will included the antique car show sponsored by First Step Family Violence Center, a kite demonstration and the Coshocton Canal Quilters annual quilt show at the Presbyterian Church. There will also be plenty of crafts and food vendors, with more variety than ever. This will be welcomed by the more than 4,000 visitors expected to explore the festivities.

For information and applications for this year’s festival, visit www.coshoctontca.com or like us on Facebook at Coshocton Canal Festival.

Whether you love the history of Coshocton, the free entertainment, or tasty treats, there will be something for all ages and all interests at the Coshocton Canal Festival.

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Category: Arts & Entertainment

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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