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United Way to present awards at annual meeting

| February 6, 2013

COSHOCTON – The United Way of Coshocton County’s 2012-13 campaign is nearing completion with $358,208 pledged to date or 94 percent of the $380,000 goal. To come so close to goal in the present economic climate of Coshocton County is remarkable and the United Way Board and staff would like to say “Thank You.” This would not be possible without the help of every donor.

Every donor is invited to attend the United Way Annual Meeting and Awards Presentation Breakfast at 7 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 21, at Emmanuel Lutheran Church. The cost is $10 per person (this is a self-supporting event) and includes a breakfast buffet catered by CCMH.  Breakfast buffet will begin at 6:45 a.m. Reservations can be made by sending $10 per person to: United Way, PO Box 84, Coshocton, OH 43812. For additional information, call the United Way office 622-4567 or email execasst@coshoctonunitedway.org

It is not too late to pledge your support to the United Way campaign. With the increasing number of job losses and families in crisis, your pledge can help many people in Coshocton County receive the help they need. Many of our senior citizens need assistance with paying for necessary medication; children and families need food, clothing, and shelter assistance; and families who are working but can’t afford insurance will not be able to get immunizations for their children that will keep them healthy and disease free. 

United Way’s goal is to support the programs that give a hand up to the people in Coshocton County in times of crisis and assist them in returning to or becoming healthy and productive. If you have pledged to United Way, I thank you. If you have not, I urge you to call us today at 622-4567 and we will send you a pledge form. Make a difference in the lives of so many by getting involved today.

Category: Clubs & Organizations

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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