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Weigh Down Ministries offers free orientation

| September 21, 2012

COSHOCTON – As summer is ending and fall is quickly approaching, there is no better time to slim down your figure. Weigh Down Ministries (www.weighdown.com), coined the Pioneer of Faith-Based Weight Loss, is offering a free weight loss orientation Tuesday, Oct. 9, at 232 Chestnut St.

These life-changing weight loss classes will teach you how to regain control of your eating habits in a healthy way. You will be taught God-inspired fundamentals that will help you let go of mindless emotional eating and anxious binges. You will also learn what portion sizes are right for you and how to maintain good health and longevity for the remainder of life, all without dieting. 

The free orientation will be facilitated by Donna Fischer. She is a volunteer for Weigh Down and is a Coshocton resident. Fischer, who lost 70 pounds using the Weigh Down principles, explains that, “The faith-based principles taught in this Weigh Down encouraged me to end the cycle of dieting.”

The Weigh Down Ministries’ revolutionary approach to weight loss was introduced almost 30 years ago by Gwen Shamblin, M.S., and R.D (gwenshamblin.com) author of “The Weigh Down Diet Book.” The program’s central teaching is based on helping the participant to end “head hunger” or the desire to eat when your stomach is not calling for food. The Weigh Down Basic Class includes the use of CD’s, online videos and live support from the central office and locally giving the participant the support they need to stop overeating, bingeing and purging and other eating disorders.

Because of the incredible success of this program, it has been featured on the cover of Good Housekeeping Magazine, NBC’s The Today Show, Fox’s Dayside, The Tyra Banks Show, Good Morning America, CBS’s The Early Show, Mornings with Mike & Juliet, The Insider/Entertainment Tonight, The Washington Post and numerous radio programs and newspapers. 

The orientation will be at 6:30 p.m. Oct. 9, and again at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 11, at 232 Chestnut St. This orientation is free and open to the public. All are welcome. Call the Weigh Down Offices at 1-800-844-5208 or visit online at www.weighdown.com for more information. Many other classes are available here locally. For those that are interested in continuing after the orientation, a six week Weigh Down Basics class will be offered for a small fee.

Category: Clubs & Organizations

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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