Weights and Measures Week: It’s Common Cents

| February 20, 2013

COSHOCTON – American consumers have the luxury of buying with a degree of confidence that they are getting what they pay for and business owners assume they are competing on a level playing field, all due to the diligence of weights and measures inspectors.  To remind the public that these public servants are working for their benefit and for pennies a year, County Auditor Christine Sycks announces March 1 through 7 is Weights and Measures Week.

The theme for Weights and Measures Week 2013 is “Common Cents.” Sycks shares that accuracy in trade serves the common interest of every person and every business owner, and it comes at a very affordable cost to taxpayers.   According to the Ohio Revised Code, the County Auditor is the sealer of weights and measures for the county.  Coshocton County’s appointed Weights and Measures Inspector is Jarrod Tipton.  The cost per resident averages just 55 cents per year for this government function.  This is why weights and measures enforcement makes ‘common cents.’

Sycks points out that a person can lose more than that 55 cents on a single package of short-weight ground beef or a few gallons of mis-measured gasoline. “Not only do we protect Coshocton County’s citizens, but this service also protects our business owners.  A few pennies on every transaction can add up to enormous differences in profits for retailers, who depend on unbiased, independent regulatory oversight to ensure a level playing field in competition.”

The date for Weights and Measures Week commemorates the signing of the first United States weights and measures law by John Adams on March 2, 1799. Since then, there have been advancements from mechanical devices to highly sophisticated, software-based weighing and measuring instruments. Tipton has fulfilled the Ohio Training requirements for Weights and Measures personnel and is required to complete annual continuing education to qualify as Inspector.

If there are any questions or concerns regarding any commercial measuring device, please contact the County Auditor’s Office at 622-1243 to request an inspection.

Category: Government

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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