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West Lafayette Middle School students donate funds to first responders

| November 4, 2016

DSC_0027WEST LAFAYETTE Ridgewood Middle School students participated in a coin war in recognition of Red Ribbon Week, which is Oct. 23 to 31 each year. The students collected $600 and donated $300 each to the West Lafayette Police Department and $300 to the West Lafayette Fire Department. The sixth grade class collected the most coins and will receive ice cream for their efforts. The donation was made on Friday morning, Nov. 4 at the school. Pictured are: Kelley Masloski, sixth grade student council, Alex  Martin, sixth grade student council, Glenn Hill, West Lafayette Fire Chief, Jacque McPherson, Student Council Advisor, Stephen Klopfenstein, West Lafayette Chief of Police, Aliyah Beitzel, sixth grade student council and Ian McCurdy, sixth grade student council. Principal Trista Claxon told the students that she was proud of their efforts and thanked them for their donations during morning announcements on Friday morning, Nov. 4. Red Ribbon Week is the nation’s oldest and largest drug prevention program. For more information on Red Ribbon Week visit www.redribbon.org. (Beacon | Mark Fortune

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