You’ve got style!

| September 29, 2012

Thirteen 4-H members participated in the 4-H Modeling Review at the Coshocton County Fair on Saturday, Sept. 29. Pictured here are l-r, Alexis Zimmer, Brianna McConnell, two of the participants, and Jadyn Art, age 10.

Thirteen Coshocton County 4-H members strutted their stuff on the Youth Building stage at the Coshocton County Fair tonight, Saturday, Sept. 29 during the annual 4-H Modeling Review. Some modeled their favorite outfit, sports jerseys, old-fashioned dresses and costumes, Scout uniforms, and more.

“It’s good for them,” said Pam Gilmore, coordinator of the event and Master Clothing Educator through Ohio State University. “Some of these kids have never been in front of a group of people before. It’s pretty low pressure, and as they continue to grow in 4-H, it makes it easier for them to go in front of the judges.”

Alexis Zimmer, age 9, modeled a black sequin dress and said she was excited, “to go up and see all the people looking at me.”

Although this was Zimmer’s first time modeling, she said she wasn’t nervous. She said she got in 4-H because, “I just heard some people talking about it and I felt like joining.”

Her friend, Brianna McConnell, also age 9, said she was really excited to model her dress. She modeled an old-fashioned  pink dress with white lace and a white lace cap. She said Alexis got her interested in 4-H.

“Alexis tried it first, so I thought I might try it,” she said.

Both girls agreed that overall, they are really enjoying 4-H.

All 13 4-H members paraded around the stage showing off their favorite outfit as Felicia Trejo, a Junior Fair Board member, read their biography and told about their outfit. At the end of the event, each participant received $1 and a participation ribbon.


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About the Author ()

I have been employed at the Coshocton County Beacon since September 2009 as a news reporter and assistant graphic artist. I am a 2004 graduate of Newcomerstown High School and a 2008 graduate of Capital University with a bachelor’s degree in Professional Writing. I am married to John Scott and live in Newcomerstown. We have two beautiful daughters, Amelia Grace Scott and Leanna Rose Scott.

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