Get your kids interested in reading

| July 13, 2016
John Scott reads to two-year-old Amelia Scott before bed.

John Scott reads to two-year-old Amelia Scott before bed.

COSHOCTON – We all know that reading to our children is important, but what if your child is reluctant to read this summer? Andrea Schweitzer Smith, West Lafayette Library Branch Manager, gives some tips on how to get your children to read.

“Find something that interests them,” said Smith. “Children who have a hard time reading or don’t want to read, focus on what they are interested in and find books on that topic to get them to read.”

She also highly recommends getting them interested in their local library by bringing them to upcoming programs, which can be found in The Beacon’s community calendar or on the library’s website.

“Bring them to a library program,” she said. “They can choose books here dealing with things they saw in the program or things they were excited about during the program. Bring them to the library so they can pick out what they like to read. It’s why the library’s here. Kids can come to us and say what they’re interested in and the staff will help them choose a book on that topic.”

Reading, especially during the summer months, is very important for children. Reading levels can actually grow during the summer, and those who don’t read can lose important reading skills and fall behind when school starts in autumn.

For children who are hesitant to read, the library has a program called Read to Baby where kids can read to the Bookmobile dog, Baby.

“The child can build reading skills in a non-intimidating setting,” said Smith.

Smith also recommends using incentives for children who won’t read. Children who are interested in technology may benefit more from an eBook. It doesn’t matter if your child is reading a hard copy or digital copy. All that matters is they’re reading.

“Praise is good,” said Smith. “Applaud your children when they’re reading. Make it a regular part of their day. Also, children who see their parents read are more likely to start reading.”

For infants and very young children, board books are ideal as parents don’t need to worry about ripped pages. They’re also bright and colorful with large pictures and very few words, which is perfect for young children.

“The point is to create a love of reading early in their life that will last their whole life,” said Smith. “A lifetime of reading has an impact academically. People who read succeed. It’s just an enriching experience for the rest of their life.”

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Category: Education

About the Author ()

I have been employed at the Coshocton County Beacon since September 2009 as a news reporter and assistant graphic artist. I am a 2004 graduate of Newcomerstown High School and a 2008 graduate of Capital University with a bachelor’s degree in Professional Writing. I am married to John Scott and live in Newcomerstown. We have two beautiful daughters, Amelia Grace Scott and Leanna Rose Scott.

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