Pomerene Center introduces Revennaugh exhibit

The Pomerene Center for the Arts is hosting a new exhibit featuring Stephanie Revennaugh’s paintings of locally-grown produce. Revennaugh is pictured here in front of her fall paintings display. The exhibit will run until Nov. 10 and paintings are available for sale.
The Pomerene Center for the Arts is hoping to encourage local residents to buy fresh produce from locally-owned businesses with their new exhibit, “Local Produce: Paintings by Stephanie Revennaugh”.
“The idea is to get people inspired to eat local, eat fresh foods and to stimulate the economy,” said Revennaugh.
The Pomerene Center introduced the community to Revennaugh on Sunday, Oct. 7 from 2 – 4 p.m. with an Open House showcasing her paintings.
Revennaugh was born in Ohio and moved to Coshocton County when she was six years old. With a deep love of traveling, she now lives in Montana and has studied art in Paris. She has been painting seriously for three years, and draws inspiration from a well-known artist, Carol Marine. Other than her love of painting and traveling, Revennaugh’s main focus is sculpting and she loves anything and everything to do with horses.
“From the minute she picked up a pencil, she started drawing,” said Sharon Revennaugh, Stephanie’s mother. “She was definitely born with a gift to put art on paper. Equine art is her real passion. Since she didn’t have a horse, drawing horses was the next best thing.”
In order to paint locally-grown produce in Coshocton, Ann Cornell of the Pomerene Center had shipped boxes of produce out to Montana for the first couple of months. Revennaugh then arranged the items in a shadow box to create her paintings, casting different shades of light to create various effects in each of her paintings. Each painting took anywhere from two to six hours to create and were painted in one sitting.
Not only did Revennaugh draw inspiration from Coshocton’s locally-grown foods, but also from Montana farmer’s markets and during her winter in Florida, she created her citrus collection.
“It’s a nice survey of foods in different parts of the country,” said Cornell. “They’re just beautiful little works of art, so I hope people enjoy them.”
When discussing one of her works of art, Revennaugh pointed out a picture of honey and bread, which both came from Coshocton, with a cup of coffee.
“These were done earlier on and I realized I needed to paint more than just the food,” she said. “I needed textures, to put different elements in there to help each prop read as what it really is. It helps it look more real. This was a learning process as I did these over time.”
The exhibit will run at the Pomerene Center until Nov. 10. All residents are encouraged to go and view paintings of food grown locally in Coshocton as well as other parts of the country. The paintings are also for sale for $85.
“I remember when she was little, doing pencil sketches,” said Cyndy Sedlock, Revennaugh’s aunt. “She was so talented before she took any formal instructions. It’s so nice to see her work displayed here at the Pomerene Center in Coshocton. It’s work that reminds us of some of the fruits and vegetables grown here locally.”
“It’s very exciting for her to bring to Coshocton what she’s invested her life in the past few years,” said Sharon Revennaugh. “Her dad and I are just so proud of her. This is on the cusp of the beginning to become an artist. It’s a great honor to see Ann and the Pomerene to make a setting for her to show the talent God has given her.”
The Pomerene Center is located at 317 Mulberry Street in Coshocton and is free and open to the public from 1 – 5 p.m. Tuesdays through Saturdays.
Category: Arts & Entertainment