Canal Quilters make quilts for First Step

Members of the Coshocton Canal Quilters met Saturday, March 16 at Roscoe United Methodist Church to make quilts for First Step. Pictured here is (left) member Cathy Wegener and member Gladys Holsky. Saturday was also National Quilting Day.
COSHOCTON – Last Saturday was National Quilting Day, and members of the Coshocton Canal Quilters celebrated by making fleece blankets for victims of domestic violence at First Step Family Violence Intervention Services.
“I’m sure up at the shelter, people would enjoy having these,” said Gladys Holsky, chairperson on the committee. “They’re really nice and soft and comfy.”
The Canal Quilters met from 10:30 a.m. – 3 p.m. at the Roscoe United Methodist Church to make the quilts and socialize with each other. Quilt sizes varied from infant-sized to adult-sized. Members had enough fabric to make at least 30 blankets in all different colors and patterns.
“They don’t have everything they need up there (at the shelter),” said Holsky, “and sometimes you just need something to hang onto to feel good.”
The Canal Quilters have quilted for many special events and occasions in Coshocton County. They make baby quilts each year for the Maternal and Child Health Center in Coshocton, and they also create a quilt each year for Relay for Life. A committee tracks all the quilts and makes labels with their club name and the year so recipients of the quilts know where their quilt came from.
The club also works with the Coshocton Elks to find veterans in the county who may enjoy receiving a hand-made quilt. In addition, the Elks give monetary donations to the Canal Quilters for any supplies they may need for their quilts.
“We make a lot of vets happy,” said Holsky. “They are so pleased because a lot of people don’t do much for them. Sometimes, they even tear up.”
Members of the Canal Quilters recently made a trip to the James Cancer Hospital at Ohio State University to donate quilts to patients. Each year, they have an all-day sew-in at the hospital, and for each finished quilt a member donates, they receive a door prize.
“It makes them realize that somebody else cares about them and wants to help them out,” said Kay Radabaugh, president of Canal Quilters. “We just want to help the community and we love to quilt.”
The annual Canal Quilters show will be in August instead of May this year at the Presbyterian Church. More details will follow.
Category: Clubs & Organizations, Photo Galleries