College fair shows students their options
COSHOCTON – Students and their parents were able to visit with admissions counselors and recruiters from close to 70 higher education institutes and branches of the military at the annual college fair night.
“We like to bring the admissions folks here because since we are a rural county it can sometimes be difficult for kids to gather the information they need to make decisions,” said Brian Crilow, director of Coshocton C.A.R.E.S.
The Coshocton Kiwanis Club sponsored Coshocton C.A.R.E.S. College Fair Night was held Oct. 18 at the Coshocton County Career Center and Crilow said they received 67 RSVP from military recruiters, technical and trade schools and four year colleges and universities.
“We had them come from five different states including Michigan, Indiana, West Virginia, Pennsylvania and Ohio,” he said.
One of the out of state schools who sent a representative to the college fair was Fairmont State University in Fairmont, W.Va.
“I like coming to college fairs so I can meet the incoming freshmen first hand and meet their family,” said Alyssa Eye, admission representative with Fairmont State. “Then when I see them on campus I can say hi and ask if they need help with anything. I really like that part.”
Eye is a graduate of Fairmont State and worked in the admissions office when she was a student there.
“I really love it (the university),” she said.
Staff Sergeant Travis Miller, a recruiter with the U.S. Marines Corps also enjoys attending college fairs.
“I like giving them options for their toolbox so they know what’s out there to help make them successful after graduation,” he said.
Roxanne Potter and her daughter Kenzie Potter were finding the college fair to be very helpful place for Kenzie to learn about choices available to her after high school.
“It’s been very informative and a nice way to see what options are out there,” Roxanne said.
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