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Fresno Farmers Market to have Christmas craft show

| October 7, 2016

Jack-o-LanternFRESNO – October is here in all her colorful splendor! Apple cider, golden local honey, beautiful fall mums and of course bright orange pumpkins, a true autumn classic. The pumpkins are bigger and brighter than ever this year and your vendors at the Fresno Farmers’ Market have a bumper crop. As I often like to do, here are some fun facts about this large orange orb. Did you know that last year alone US farmers grew over one and half billion pounds of pumpkins? Or that one gram of pumpkin seeds contains as much protein as an 8 oz. glass of milk?

But one can’t speak of pumpkins without illustrating the infamous Jack-O-Lantern, one of my favorite things as a child and now too, a Halloween tradition. Folklore suggests that the name Jack comes from an Irish legend, a mean, greedy and nasty old man named Jack tricked the devil into climbing up a tall tree. Jack then carved a cross in the bottom of the trunk so the devil couldn’t climb back down.  In revenge the devil placed an evil curse on Jack, condemning him to forever wander the earth each night with only a lit candle placed inside a hollowed out turnip.  American’s later incorporated the pumpkin in place of the turnip, which was much easier to carve. Hence the ever popular Jack-o-lantern was born. Stories like this one just shows how each holiday is steeped in years of tradition and how different cultures influence our holidays and celebrations.

In keeping with traditions, the Fresno Market will be having its annual Christmas in the Country Craft Show on Saturday, Oct. 29 from 8 a.m. – 2 p.m. in the new Dave Warren township building, located directly across from the Fresno Hardware Store.

There is still plenty of vendor space available, so if you care to showcase your crafting or baking skills, we invite and encourage you to join us. Simply call 740-545-0849 to reserve your table space. And as always we look forward to bringing the farm to your family’s table.  With only a few weeks left until the Christmas Craft Show, come on out to downtown Fresno and stock up on all the homemade, home grown and handmade items we have to offer.

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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