Mark’s Musings – June 05, 2013

| June 4, 2013
Mark Fortune

Mark Fortune

On the local athletic scene, there are several recognitions and congratulations in order. The Ridgewood Generals baseball team made it all the way to the regional finals. Great job boys, coaches, fans and parents! It takes a community effort to continue a strong tradition and the Generals proved that once again this year.

Local track athletes that will be competing at Jesse Owens stadium later this week will be River View’s Brandon Adams, Garrett Gee, Trevis Stamper and Andy Parsons. The four will be competing in the physically and mentally challenging 4 x 400 relay. In addition, Adams, Stamper and Parsons will be competing in individual events. You can read more in this issue of The Beacon. Two local female track athletes will also be competing at the state level; Coshocton senior Nicki Carling in the 100 and River View freshman Kristen Douglass in the 300 hurdles. Good luck to all these young people.

Locally, this weekend provides ample opportunity to get outside and enjoy the wonderful spring weather conditions. The annual Hot Air Balloon Festival starts Friday and goes through Sunday. The chance to see these lighter than air craft soar into the air and float serenely through the sky always seems to transcend the oftentimes state of turmoil and business of life on the ground floor so to speak. If for no other reason than to hearken back to a time when our lives were not so busy you should watch the bright colors lift off or land. Keep your eyes peeled this weekend!

The night glow is always something special, which begins at 9:15 p.m. at the fairgrounds. It is spectacular. Remember that the balloon launches are weather dependent and safety is always a first concern. There is lots of entertainment available – see the program inside this issue of The Beacon.

Go out to the fairgrounds this weekend for some family fun and entertainment. It is time well invested. And be sure to thank the folks at Frontier Power who sponsor the balloon festival, Ohio’s longest running hot air balloon festival.

Also at Roscoe Village this Sunday will be the fifteenth annual Corvette Show, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Beloved by many, these classic automobiles will rumble down Whitewoman Street, and find a suitable parking spot where you can grab some photos, chat with the owner and enjoy a nice stroll amongst some steel muscle.

For many in our community, the next few weeks offers an opportunity for Vacation Bible School at an area church. This is a terrific way to get your youngsters involved with a church and learn about the Bible. It was interesting to hear on a Christian radio station that of all the people interviewed in the aftermath of the Oklahoma tornadoes, that to a person, when asked what they did, they said, “We prayed.”

The recent spate of escapades emanating from Washington D.C. continues to capture our attention – or it should. The IRS incident brings to mind the old quote, “Who watches the watchmen?” which is translated from the Latin phrase, “Quis custodiet ipsos custodies”, “Who will guard the guards?”

Category: Mark's Musings

About the Author ()

Mark Fortune, along with his wife Nancy, is the former owner and founder of The Coshocton County Beacon, the highest circulated newspaper in Coshocton County. He has over 40 years in the publishing business with sales, marketing, and journalism experience. After selling The Beacon to the AloNovus Corp., in January 2020, Mark has been a Business Development Strategist with the company. They publish a network of weekly news publications with almost a half million distribution weekly, a quarterly tourism magazine and a digital division. Mark enjoys history, and has a passion for genealogy, currently researching and discovering his Fortune ancestry. He and his wife Nancy live on a small farm outside of Coshocton.

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