Mark’s Musings – May 29, 2013
Memorial Day will be past when you read this issue of The Coshocton County Beacon. This day represents something different for each of us. To some it may provide a day of relaxation and is the first holiday of the year for many. For those in education it typically means the beginning of the summer or at least the last day of “official” work.
For others among us it is truly a day of remembrance, perhaps of a loved one or a service member that gave the ultimate sacrifice for our country.
Spread throughout cemeteries in Coshocton County, small American flags flutter in the breeze at the graves of our brave fallen heroes. To those that took the time to mark these graves, thank you. To those that gave up part of their Memorial Day holiday to participate in a parade or ceremony, thank you. To those that took the time to plan these events in Blissfield, Warsaw, Plainfield, Coshocton, Conesville, Keene, West Lafayette and others in our county, thank you.
For without the people that take the time to prepare, plan and coordinate these various observances, there would be no remembrance. And remember we must. It is our duty and indeed a privilege to honor our fallen heroes. I hope you were able to participate in a Memorial Day service.
The Memorial Day weekend was filled with many opportunities here in Coshocton County to see and do many different things. You could have enjoyed the onion ring eating contest in Roscoe Village, which was part of the Riders 4 Relief event. Four locals thought they had the stomach for this – and proved that they could eat with the big dogs so to speak. The Riders 4 Relief is now in its fifth year and this year certainly seemed like the largest yet. A gorgeous Sunday with blue skies and ideal temperatures brought people out to enjoy the roar of motorcycles, maybe win a raffle and listen to some good music. Thanks to all those that made this event possible.
For those with graduating seniors the weekend certainly brought forth a flood of memories as parents, siblings and family members watched a loved one walk across the stage to receive their diploma. Congratulations seniors! Make the most of your opportunities and talents as you consider the next step in life. Today’s young people have an almost unlimited number of possibilities spread before them like a buffet. Choosing is challenging – the important thing is to keep taking the steps. Things will work out. Our community is filled with bright and positive young people that are willing to give of themselves. This has been proven time and time again and will continue to be. Thank you seniors for giving of yourselves.
The world continues to change and seems to spin a bit faster with each passing season. Speaking of seasons, got your garden planted yet? Many do as indicated by the tarps and cloths covering plants this past weekend as the threat of frost (some I talked to reported frost at their home) loomed. We waited until Memorial Day and as I write this column on Monday morning the sky is clouding up so that may – or may not – happen. Meanwhile the tomato plants are in the garage and being watered.
Category: Mark's Musings