Mark’s Musings – November 27, 2013
Be Thankful. That is what we hear this time of year. It’s the message we received from our parents – or, as parents, the message we dole out to our kids and grand-kids. Yes, we do indeed have much to be thankful for in this great land and this great community.
We can even be thankful for the situation in Washington. Yes, I think that is how we need to look at it. We need to be thankful that we can elect our own representatives instead of living in a nation where we are dictated to. Yes, we have our issues and this past year has certainly had its share of – or rather a lack of – sharing and share alike in the Capitol.
Yet, would you rather live in a nation where the media and reporting is stifled or worse, owned and or controlled by the government. Oh, I know, as far as the major media companies in our country today, some of them might as well be controlled by the government. But that is not the majority and there are plenty of outlets for our right of free speech. The Beacon is one of those outlets.
We are thankful for the support and the embracing of this newspaper that the greater Coshocton County community has given to us over the past five and one half years. One never knows with a new venture and certainly surviving 2008 and 2009 was challenging. But we could not have done that without your support. Our readers and advertisers keep us going and for that we are deeply thankful.
In Buckeye land the faithful are still hoping for an upset of Alabama or Florida State. I would prefer to play Alabama. The speed of the Seminoles is scary but the Buckeyes have turned it up a notch or two under Coach Meyer. Coming from the SEC of course gives him an advantage in knowing whom to recruit and how to prepare for that conference. I believe that each conference has its own style of play, even its own culture of play – whether that is physicality, speed, or strength or otherwise. A combination of all three specifics mentioned would be nice and I think the Buckeyes are close to the top on all three.
By the time you read your Thanksgiving edition of The Beacon, it will just about be time for that big game with the team from up north. On their playground this year. No matter. Buckeyes by 21.
And the Browns will have bested the Steelers by 10 this past Sunday. Yes, this column is being written on Friday prior to the game so my prognostication is legal. Now if the Browns can just catch the Bengals in the next few weeks. Not sure about that.
Let’s conclude by wishing everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving and hoping that you have many special moments with your family and friends. For those in our community that are working on the holiday we thank you for your sacrifice.
Category: Mark's Musings