Rep. Hayes announces Coshocton County bridge construction
COLUMBUS—State Representative Bill Hayes (R-Harrison Township) has announced that, as part of an investment of $120 million to repair and replace more than 200 county and city-owned bridges over the next three years, a Coshocton County bridge will soon undergo construction.
Under the Ohio Bridge Partnership, work is expected to begin on the first 40 bridges next year, which includes the bridge on Coshocton County Road 383 over Winding Fork Creek. ODOT will work with local officials to identify the remaining bridges to repair or replace in the following years.
“By tightening its budget and generating revenue through the Ohio Turnpike, ODOT is now able to help counties like ours address some of the transportation infrastructure needs we have,” Rep. Hayes said. “I’m pleased that the bridge on County Road 383 is one of the first 40 bridges to be worked on under this plan, and I look forward to the many construction projects that will be taking place around the state in the future.”
Ohio has 44,000 bridges, the second-highest number in the nation behind Texas. According to some reports, the condition of Ohio’s bridges is better than the national average, but many bridges are waiting for much-needed repairs.
The bridges are being selected through criteria such as meeting the federal bridge definition of more than 20 feet long, being found “structurally deficient,” and currently open and carrying traffic.
Category: Government