Coshocton Elementary to be dedicated

| October 15, 2013

COSHOCTON – Coshocton City School District will hold a building dedication and ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate the opening of their new PK-sixth grade elementary school. The ceremony will begin at 2 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 20, in the new gymnasium. The new school is located at 1203 Cambridge Road. The community is invited and representatives from the district, architectural and construction management firms and the Ohio Facilities Construction Commission will be in attendance.

Designed by Fanning Howey Architects, the new 119,580 square foot building will house pre-kindergarten through sixth grade students. It is designed to be USGBC LEED Silver and Energy Star certified. With Resources International, Inc. serving as the construction manager, an early site package was big in July 2011 and a ground breaking ceremony was held Aug. 30, 2011 commemorating the start of construction. Prim contracts were bid in January 2012.

With the support of the community via a bond issue that passed in May 2010, this project is partially state-funded through the Classroom Facilities Assistance Program administered by the Ohio Facilities Construction Commission.

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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